Belajar daripada kesilapan tahun tahun sebelum ini, tahun ni, I suggest to my family members, to have proper photoshoot before Raya sebab based on the past year, pagi Raya akan super kelam kabut, dan akan ada yang tak ada. So I ask my family members, and they agreed with it. So, after discussion, and make sure adik boleh join, so we decided to have photoshoot on 7th April.
At the first plan, I decided to just have photoshoot in Banting je, sebab plan nak balik Banting awal, then photoshoot dekat area Banting la, but Wani decided, to shoot at the place that worth the money. So, akhirnya, dia jumpa di Seksyen 7, Shah Alam, and all of us agree of it.
We had our photoshoot at hourloft . Tempat ni sebenarnya, an event space, but they managed to turn this place jadi tempat photoshoot yang cantik sangat.
Gambar-gambar pun semua gempak la. Memang puas hati, dan rasanya berbaloi sungguh.
Let me share some photo during our photoshoot.

p/s : Posted this post on the second syawal, so yeah, gambar-gambar ni dah post ke socmed dulu.
Oh, tak habis dengan di Studio ye kawan-kawan, kami berusaha untuk photoshoot outdoor, but.. Sadly, sebab dah nak hujan, so kita shoot asal ada. Memang laju-laju la ceritanya kan. It was fun, lagi fun sebab dapat la test camera baru kan.

Editing agak sikit out ye sewaktu outdoor photoshoot. Nampak macam warna merah sangat pulak. Sebenarnya, warna tahun ni, on my side, warna maroon. Warna belah Syaah pula warna apa ye? Nanti kita tunggu, photoshoot on Raya ke empat.
Till next post!