Productive Day!

I feel that today was the most productive day after quite some time. From grocery shopping, to making lunch, to meal prep. Non stop moving. Standing hours detect by my Apple Watch is 21 hours! Madness! 14,496 steps for today.

Did my grocery shopping alone (After so long I did not do proper groceries shopping) , and things happen, when all the terminal card did not accept for card. Only cash. Chaotic for some time. They suggest to pay by cash, but well, I did not bring cash, now everything cashless. But luckily there are ATM machine near the Jaya Grocer.

Once reach home, I put all the groceries at the designated area, and right away prepare for our lunch, which is Pizza. Home made Pizza was the best as you can put everything you want in the pizza.

Not only pizza, I also cook Nasi Daging! Oh my. What is happening to me! Both are my craving. Crave to eat food that you cook your self. Let me share recipe of Nasi Daging.


  1. Rebus daging (letak garam sikit) Kalau ada pressure cooker, dalam 30min, if tak masak sampai empuk
  2. Once daging dah siap masak, asingkan daging and potong daging halus2.
  3. Sediakan bahan bahan dibawah (untuk 4-5 pot beras)


  • 3 sekawan (Bunga Lawang, Cengkih, Kayu Manis)
  • 5 bawang merah (tumbuk)
  • 3 bawang putih (tumbuk)
  • 1/2 inci halia (tumbuk)
  • 2 sudu serbuk kurma
  • 1/2 kiub pati ayam
  • 1/2 tin susu cair
  • 1 helai daun pandan
  • 2 sudu minyak sapi
  • garam 


  1. Panasnkan minyak sapi dan sedikit minyak. 
  2. Bila minyak dah panas, tumiskan oi bawang merah, putih, halia, 3 sekawan. Tumis sampai naik bau.
  3. Letak serbuk kurma, dan tumis sampai pecahminyak. Kemudian letak susu cair, kiub ayam,daun pandan. Gaul sampai bau dia serasi
  4. Masukkan beras dan kacau tumisan dan beras tadi. 
  5. Then masukkan air rebusan daging. Contoh kalau guna beras basmathi, 5 pot nasi, kita tambah 6pot air rebusan daging tadi. Or kalau guna beras biasa, guna ratio sama.
  6. Transfer beras tadi kedalam rice cooker, atau boleh gunakan pressure cooker siap3 waktu tumis tadi. 
  7. Letakkan daging yang telah dihiris tadi di dalam beras berserta air. Masak nasi macam biasa guna periuk nasi/pressure cooker.

Sementara nak tunggu nasi masak.. Jom buat air asam.

  • 2 biji tomato
  • Sedikit belacan
  • 7-8 biji cili api
  • 2-3 biji bawang merah
  • 2 sudu besar asam jawa
  • 2 cawan air

Cincang/Potong Halus Tomato, cili, bawang merah. Tumbuk sedikit belacan dan camput sekali. Asam jawa dan air campur, dan masukkan dalam bahan yang di cincang or potong. Kacau bagi rata, kalau rasa nak masam or pedas lagi, tambah asam jawa dan air berserta cili ikut selera. 


We lunch at 4pm! Late lunch. Indulge my self with Nasi Daging, and also Pizza. So nyummy. Dough pizza I made using Thermomix, while Nasi Daging using stove.

After lunch, Orked kept on begging to cycle around the housing area, and since I have promised to her, I do accompany her to cycle around the playground, even though it was raining.

After Maghrib, I decided to prep food for the upcoming week. Prep for Breakfast and Lunch! Oh well, my first time prep for lunch. Usually I prep for breakfast only, which normally overnight oat.

For lunch, I prep for Salad and Grilled chicken. We want to shred some weight, and to less burden to our self what to eat every day. I hope this method can help me to lose some weight! Scrolling too much social media, on the food preparation, it looks so easy, but the fact, it is quite tiring!

Oh, and I hope I wont feel bored eat the same food for one week!

That all for my productive day! I’m afraid I’ll back in my previous state which do not have enough time to go to the kitchen!